Category: General

Coloring Their World

When LifeTown opens its doors, participants will find a fully stocked art room, thanks to members of the Cedar Hill Golf & Country Club in Livingston. A donation of crayons, markers, stickers, paints—totaling some...

Aerial Acrobatics Top Off Sukkot Festivities

Friendship Circle families joined with students at the Joseph Kushner Hebrew Academy for a special Sukkot event during the intermediate days of the holiday. Everyone was treated to a high-flying, Flippenout Extreme Trampoline show,...

FC Kickoff Filled With Friendship & Fun

What an amazing night! More than a hundred teens descended on Funplex on Wednesday night for this year’s Friendship Circle Volunteer Kickoff Event. Teens learned about this year’s slate of FC programming and got...

Teen Volunteers Show Dedication to Their Buddies

There was something about her, something different in her expression. Dressed in a green “Allie’s Summer Camp” T-shirt, she wore the same uniform as the other teen volunteers walking around the amusement park on...

Grillin’ Up a Flavorful ‘Parents’ Night Out’

A beautiful night, coupled with laughter and friends, made this year’s Friendship Circle “Parents’ Night Out” a smashing success. More than 80 people attended the event, which included a comedy show, giveaways, and, of...

Grill-Master Dad

It was dad’s turn for a night out at the annual Friendship Circle “Dads’ Barbecue.” The guys got together for some tips on making the perfect barbecue fare from New York chef Josh Schwartz....

FC’s Basketball Superstars Shine

    It was the culmination of months of practice and preparation as Team Friendship took on students from Golda Och Academy for the annual crosstown basketball game. For more than one hour, the...