Author: Faygie Holt

Mobile Sukkah Visits Special Needs Kids to Celebrate Sukkot

By Heather Fordham, New Jersey News Network For families like the Gendels, celebrating holidays already poses its own challenges, especially during the global COVID-19 coronavirus pandemic.  The Gendel family thought they’d have to forego this year’s...

Happiness, Fun and Community Shine at FCwalk and CARnival

As Leo, 12, stuck his head out the sunroof of the car window, he couldn’t help but be excited. He was at LifeTown in Livingston to take part in the 2020 FCwalk CARnival and try his luck at a few games. Friendship Circle celebrated its annual post-walk event keeping social distance, but while being socially connected.


Twelve-year-old Asher Rosenfeld  loves reading and he’s hoping to spread that love to children at Friendship Circle. Asher has handpicked four different Jewish books and is offering to send FC participants one of the...

Virtual Course Brings Bible to Life

Virtual Course Brings Bible to Life

Why was light the first thing G-d created in the universe?  The answer to this and many others questions are discussed with a growing number of people each week during Friendship Circle’s virtual Lunch...

Dine-In Balloon Show

The LifeTown parking lot was transformed into an outdoor auditorium, as families gathered for dinner and a 45-minute balloon-art performance by Todd from the Twisted Balloon Show. During the program, kids watched with amazement...

Pickling With Dad

Friendship Circle continues its fun, interactive summer programming slate with an event just for Dad! A group of FC dads gathered together online recently to learn the basics of making pickles – from what...