Author: Faygie Holt

Shake, Bake & Paint

Dozens of Friendship Circle families and community members are coming together, from the comfort of their own homes, to take part in the myriad of virtual programs offered. A slate of cooking and baking...


* Your gift to the Summer CAMPaign makes this and other programs possible! A group of young adults with special needs have been spending their weekday mornings in camp, virtually, where they recite morning...

2020 Friendship Circle Virtual Banquet Recap

They gathered in Livingston, in Randolph, in Short Hills and in cities around the world. From kitchen stools and living room sofas, more than 1,000 people joined together online for the Friendship Circle Annual Banquet, COVID-style.

Cheesecake Bake

Several dozen Friendship Circle families participated in an online cheesecake workshop last week, with all the ingredients supplied by Friendship Circle. The class was held before the holiday of Shavuot, which commemorates the receiving...