A Walk to Remember

My husband and I weren’t sure what to expect when we came out for Sunday’s Friendship Circle Walk in Livingston. We’d heard plenty about the event over the years as friends and family participated and told us how amazing it was.
But it couldn’t really be all that great could it? After all, it was just a walk. Sure it would be fun and we’d see people we know, but we wouldn’t really feel anything afterward.
That was the thinking going in as we approached the registration desk with Snickers, our 7-month-old golden retriever.
It took all of about 5 minutes for our mindset to change, because it became clear very quickly that the FCwalk is about so much more than could be related in words.
For how do you describe the smiles and laughter of a young woman in a wheelchair as a 45-pound ball of golden fur jumps on her lap and starts licking her face? Can any words adequately describe the glow on her face, the twinkle in her eye?
What of the little boy who stood shyly by watching at a distance before getting up the courage to walk over with his mother to pet a dog?
Are there adequate words to describe the determination of a teenage boy to participate in the walk even though every step was a challenge? With his father by his side the young man pushed himself to keep walking. But how can I convey that so you’ll understand just what it was like to see his determination.
As a writer, I pride myself on being able to find the right words for every situation. Here, though, words fail me.
What can I say about the walk? That it was amazing? That it was filled with people of all races, backgrounds and religious practices? That it was something to see?
Sure, but those words hardly convey the beauty and awe-inspiring scenes I witnessed throughout the afternoon.
So instead I’ll merely say this; if you really want to know just what to expect from a FCwalk come and participate in one yourself. Then, maybe, you’ll find those ever-elusive words.
And if you were at today’s event, share your photos and comments online using the hashtag #fcnj.