LifeTown Empowers Teens to Give Back

Every week, local teens volunteer their time at LifeTown, putting smiles on the faces of participants with special needs. In turn, volunteering deeply inspires the teens, with some deciding to dedicate their Bar or Bat Mitzvah project to making a lasting impact on their special friends.

“Where else would you do a mitzvah project? LifeTown is the most magical place in the world,” said Neeli Margolis, mother of volunteer Maya Margolis. “It’s a beautiful concept. It’s the only place where you give, and you end up getting more in return.”

Leading up to their Bar or Bat Mitzvah ceremony, teens typically choose one mitzvah, or good deed, and create a project that brings it to life. Many decide to take their community service commitment to the next level by dedicating their mitzvah project to LifeTown and Friendship Circle.

“I wanted to do my mitzvah project at LifeTown because I wanted to be a friend and role model to younger kids,” said Alexa Yoser, who has volunteered weekly since seventh grade and works primarily with one boy named Solomon. Alexa raised over $2,000 for LifeTown and Friendship Circle programs that benefit Solomon and his friends. “This project was meaningful to me because, like most of the kids, I have had my fair share of struggles. I was able to overcome these challenges and help others.”

Livingston teens Nate Lipschitz and Sarah Sheller paired their personal passions with their love of volunteering to create mitzvah projects that benefitted specific LifeTown and Friendship Circle programs.

“Nate loves to draw and finds an outlet through art,” said his mother, Brooke Alper. “When he sees the kids using new supplies as a result of his project, he can see he’s making a difference in their lives.”

Nate, who volunteers weekly with Ciaran, a teen with special needs, raised over $2,000 for LifeTown art supplies.

“It makes me feel really good because Ciaran looks forward to seeing me and I look forward to seeing him,” said Nate. “I feel like I’m making an impact on his life.”

Sarah, who loves flag football, organized a Turkey Bowl fundraiser on the LifeTown field. Through her exciting flag football game, she raised over $7,000 for new sports equipment.

“I was able to combine a passion with raising awareness and funds for an amazing organization that means so much to me,” said Sarah. “I appreciated all my friends and family who donated, and I was so proud of how much money we were able to raise.”

Most recently, best friends and teen volunteers Ardyn Anapolle and Maya Margolis created a magical spa day to benefit Linda’s Salon at the LifeTown Shoppes.

“Ardyn loves working with the children at LifeTown, and she loves beauty, skincare and makeup,” said her mother, Alison Adler. “Ardyn and Maya thought it would be a perfect combination to do a mitzvah project focused on something they love for the children they love.”

On Sunday, March 2, the Livingston teens set up a variety of spa stations for the participants to enjoy, including manicures, hair and makeup, arts and crafts, hair clip creations, and a relaxation corner.

“I love spa days and I wanted the kids at LifeTown to experience that with me,” said Ardyn.

The girls wanted each guest to feel pampered and refreshed. Through their imaginative project, they raised over $5,000 for LifeTown and Friendship Circle, creating the perfect joint mitzvah project to complement their milestone celebration.

“I learned that what I do has a really big impact on the kids,” said Maya. “I went into it trying to make their day, but it really made my day too.”

Every mitzvah project at Friendship Circle and LifeTown is an opportunity to give back in a meaningful and impactful way. The bonus is the effect it has on the teens themselves, who learn the power of giving.

Through their efforts, these teens have discovered that their Bar or Bat Mitzvah is more than just a milestone – it is a lesson they will carry with them into adulthood.

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