Happy Challahdays!

Donning red Friendship Circle aprons, nearly one hundred people plunged their hands in, mixing, kneading, cutting, twisting, braiding. The room filled with the scent of blooming yeast and the cacophony of families and friends chattering as they prepared traditional round challot for Rosh Hashana just days ahead of the Jewish new year.

If they didn’t already know it, they learned that baking challah is a get-your-hands-dirty activity, as Mara Simon reminded them. Simon wandered the room, offering tips and tricks and she provided instructions on how to make the rich treat, eaten on Shabbat and holidays. Parents and children from around the community, teen and adult volunteers, participants and caregivers all took part.

“The challah bake is a chance to kick off the year and get into the spirit of the holidays together, connecting with tradition in a beautiful way,” said Esty Grossbaum, Friendship Circle junior division director.

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