Education and Sharing Day Livingston

Mayor Ed Meinhardt and the Livingston Township Council designated Tuesday, April 12, 2022, the Rebbe’s 120th birthday, as “Education and Sharing Day” in Livingston, NJ.
Over the last four decades, the US Congress and all the Presidents of the United States designate annually “Education and Sharing Day U.S.A.” on the anniversary of the birth of the Lubavitcher Rebbe, Rabbi Menachem Mendel Schneerson, of righteous memory, who dedicated his life to the cause of education and to teaching the next generation of Americans the values that make our country strong.
The Rebbe taught that education should not be limited to the acquisition of knowledge and preparation for a career. Instead, the educational system must pay more attention to the building of character, with emphasis on moral and ethical values.
Education and Sharing Day calls on everyone to reflect on the vital role of education in preparing today’s youth to be the leaders of tomorrow. This day provides Americans the opportunity to recognize the shared responsibility to ensure that all young people have the foundation necessary to lead lives rich in purpose and fulfilment.
For more information on “Education and Sharing Day” visit